A+W Lausanne
The highly technical nature of construction now requires not only leading edge knowledge in varied sectors, but also the skills and knowhow to coordinate different fields so as to produce solutions that are not only technically, but also economically optimum.
Customers and investors can also achieve, without additional costs, gains in productivity, comfort, functionality, safety and respect for the environment.
Since 1999, we have offered our customers planning and consultancy services for all building techniques.
Amstein + Walthert Lausanne SA
Avenue d'Ouchy 52
CH-1006 Lausanne
Legal form
Public limited company
Share capital
CHF 100,000, 100% owned by Amstein + Walthert Holding PLC
Membership, amongst others, of the following trade associations
- SIA – Société suisse des ingénieurs et architectes
- suisse.ing
- ASE – Association suisse des électriciens
- SICC – Société suisse des ingénieurs en chauffage et climatisation
- UTS – Union technique suisse
- ABTIE – Association des bureaux techniques d'ingénieurs en électricité
- ASUT – Association suisse d'usagers de télécommunications
- IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
- SSA – Société Suisse d’Acoustique
- SSIM – Société Suisse de l'Informatique Médicale
- CLUSIS – Association Suisse de la sécurité des systèmes d'information
- ISACA – Information System Audit and Control Association
- ASL – Association suisse pour l'eclairage
Facts and Figures
10 Mio.
Founded in