Steam, hot water and thermal oil plants

Whenever high process temperatures above 100°C are required, e.g. in the pharmaceutical industry, in hospitals, in food and production plants, laundries and laboratory buildings, steam, hot water and thermal oil systems are used. The Amstein + Walthert Group provides support in the early project phase with a needs analysis. It serves as a basis for working out the best possible solution and exploiting synergies. We work out all the basics for a smooth realisation without interfering with daily operations.

Our services

  • Needs analysis and feasibility studies with risk assessment
  • Clarifications by the authorities
  • Working out different variants with their advantages and disadvantages
  • Economic efficiency calculations
  • Life cycle assessment
  • Project planning in all SIA phases up to realisation
  • Coordination of all project participants and contact persons
  • Comparison and selection of partners for implementation
  • Drawing up concepts for maintaining operations during the execution phase, provisional arrangements, etc.
  • Risk assessment regarding security of supply/redundancy concept

We are happy to support you with questions regarding the evaluation, planning and realisation of plants with process temperatures above 100°C.

Marc Haeusermann

Marc Haeusermann
Departementsleiter HLKS
A+W Zürich

Commercial refrigeration systems

The scope of commercial refrigeration includes small to medium-capacity refrigeration systems that supply cooling for the storage of goods at low to very low temperatures. The range of applications is extensive and our clients include food service companies, supermarkets, meat markets, bakeries and many other enterprise types.

Achieving the highest level of energy efficiency has come to play an ever more important role for our clients. The selection of an appropriate refrigerant to match the system concept can have a major impact on the cost effectiveness of the implemented refrigeration system. The effective utilisation of waste heat now plays a central role in the planning of all refrigeration systems.

Joel Tanner

Joel Tanner
Projektleiter Kältetechnik
A+W Bern


Responsable du département CVCS
A+W Lausanne

Replacement of heating systems

Do you own a property with more than 1,000 m2 with oil or gas heating?  

We can organise the switch from a fossil-fuel-based heating system to a 100% renewable solution for you. This starts with a quick check and extends to a comparison of options and system evaluation through to flawless operation. Allow us to provide you with comprehensive guidance, e.g., clarifying the possibilities of generating your own solar power, optionally in conjunction with an electric vehicle charging station.

Christoph Ineichen

Christoph Ineichen
Senior Consultant
A+W Zürich

Heating systems

We develop comprehensive heating system solutions that are tailor made to meet the needs of the developer - for new buildings and for the renovation of existing buildings. Our special approach involves an initial attempt to identify sources of anergy instead of energy to secure comfortable indoor heating. We configure the heat distribution in a process-oriented manner and optimised hydraulically to reduce the amount of conveyance energy.


Rolf Mielebacher

Rolf Mielebacher
Group COO
A+W Holding

Stefan Oesterle

Stefan Oesterle
A+W Basel

Thomas Grogg

Thomas Grogg
CEO / Bereichsleiter Energieconsulting
A+W Bern

Florian URBAN

Florian URBAN
A+W Geneve


Responsable du département CVCS
A+W Lausanne


Directeur A+W France / Membre comité de Direction
A+W France

Martin Mannhart

Martin Mannhart
Bereichsleiter HLK | Stv. Geschäftsleiter
A+W St.Gallen

Industrial refrigeration systems

As an experienced engineering firm working in the area of refrigeration systems, we offer tailor-made and energy efficient solutions for your refrigeration needs. We provide our services to enterprises in a full range of industries, including logistics, food production and chemical manufacturing.

Reaching the highest degree of energy efficiency depends on a careful evaluation of the relevant facility concept and the proposed means of refrigeration. We focus on natural refrigerants such as ammonia (NH3), propane or carbon dioxide (CO2). This enables us to realise cost-effective systems for our customers, systems that also achieve the highest degree of energy efficiency while also accounting for future ecological standards.

As an engineering firm, we are independent of suppliers and manufacturers. This allows us to offer cost-effective products that are ideally suited to the needs of our customers.

Given our extensive experience, we know the various strategies and their corresponding advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, we align our services optimally to your existing HVAC and plumbing systems, making sure while doing so to minimise the number of interfaces and therefore lower the associated risks. We offer comprehensive planning services.

Tobias Bieri

Tobias Bieri
Teamleiter Kältetechnik / Grosswärmepumpen
A+W Bern

Industrial heat pumps

Environmentally sustainable heating has come to play an ever more important role. This applies universally, whether the aim is to heat buildings, supply hot water, realise district heating solutions, enable high temperature applications or supplement existing heating systems. Industrial heat pumps combined with anergy grids often make for ideal solutions. As an experienced engineering firm in the area of refrigeration systems, we are the right partner for all kinds of industrial heat pumps that make use of natural refrigerants such as ammonia (NH3), propan or carbon dioxide (CO2).

Our experience in the design of refrigeration systems allows us to integrate heat pumps into larger systems in an energy-efficient manner.

Tobias Bieri

Tobias Bieri
Teamleiter Kältetechnik / Grosswärmepumpen
A+W Bern

Air conditioning systems

As an engineering firm with its own refrigeration division, we are able to develop system concepts that can be optimally integrated into larger existing systems, whether for office buildings, hospitals or other facilities that demand higher levels of ambient comfort.

Energy efficiency and cost effectiveness are at the centre of all of our air-conditioning concepts. Indeed, all of our system concepts are also based on a profitability calculation. The use of natural refrigerants is also one of our top priorities.

Given our extensive experience, we know the various strategies and their corresponding advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, we align our services optimally to your existing HVAC and plumbing systems, making sure while doing so to minimise the number of interfaces and therefore lower the associated risks. We offer comprehensive planning services.

Robert Porsius

Robert Porsius
Bereichsleiter HLK
A+W Bern

Ice rinks

Our experience in the planning of ice rinks encompasses direct-evaporation systems and pump circulation, indirect systems and pump circulation with CO2 technology and systems with glycol circuits.

Systems that use ammonia (NH3) as a refrigerant for the creation of ice offer optimal efficiency. The use of waste heat at various temperature levels (e.g. high temperature release via heat pumps) makes an additional contribution to excellent energy performance.

Our comprehensive planning services for ice rinks and building systems engineering helps us to reduce the number of interfaces and their associated risks.

Robert Porsius

Robert Porsius
Bereichsleiter HLK
A+W Bern

Ventilation + air conditioning

Thanks to our extensive understanding of indoor airflow as well as the latest equipment and technical systems, we are able to develop streamlined and cost-effective systems for our clients, both in terms of operation and maintenance. We use smart system designs and heat recovery concepts to significantly reduce energy consumption associated with ventilation systems.


Rolf Mielebacher

Rolf Mielebacher
Group COO
A+W Holding

Stefan Oesterle

Stefan Oesterle
A+W Basel

Martin Mannhart

Martin Mannhart
Bereichsleiter HLK | Stv. Geschäftsleiter
A+W St.Gallen

Thomas Grogg

Thomas Grogg
CEO / Bereichsleiter Energieconsulting
A+W Bern

Florian URBAN

Florian URBAN
A+W Geneve


Responsable du département CVCS
A+W Lausanne


Directeur A+W France / Membre comité de Direction
A+W France

Plumbing systems

Water is vital for all forms of life. However, only around 0.3% of the world's water resources are available for drinking without elaborate processing. It is our responsibility to take a careful approach when using this resource. This is why we work together with our planning partners to develop project-specific solutions by which to secure the supply and disposal of water and gas. Efficiently and sustainably.


Rolf Mielebacher

Rolf Mielebacher
Group COO
A+W Holding

Stefan Oesterle

Stefan Oesterle
A+W Basel

Thomas Grogg

Thomas Grogg
CEO / Bereichsleiter Energieconsulting
A+W Bern

Christoph Schenk

Christoph Schenk
Bereichsleiter Sanitär
A+W St.Gallen


Responsable département Sanitaire / Membre du comité de Direction
A+W Geneve


Directeur A+W France / Membre comité de Direction
A+W France

Thermal networks – district heating and cooling

With district heating networks, heat consumers or entire communities, neighbourhoods, cities and regions can be supplied with heat from one or more large heat sources. Useful heat sources are waste incineration, waste heat from thermal power plants, industrial processes, wood chips, sewage treatment plants, geothermal energy, groundwater, surface water and environmental heat. The potential of renewable and  CO2 neutral, high-quality energy can thus be made available to the end customer. The existing technologies allow direct applications in industrial processes as well as in regional heat supply for direct domestic water treatment and space heating. In order to develop and implement a project in an ecologically and economically optimal way, a wide range of influencing factors such as connection density, an optimal thermal-hydraulic network design, seasonal and geographical effects as well as the needs of the heat customers must be taken into account, among other things. The analysis and optimisation of existing networks is also becoming an increasingly important factor and contributes to the economic efficiency of the networks.

The Amstein + Walthert Group has over 20 years of experience in the design and development as well as planning and supervision of district heating and cooling networks. We are happy to provide our customers with comprehensive support from the initial idea to operation, including the optimisation or expansion of existing thermal grids and their challenges.

Our services

  • Potential assessments and feasibility studies
  • Analysis/optimisation of existing transmission networks
  • Determination of total costs and budget requests
  • Evaluation of possible funding contributions
  • Financing options and profitability calculations
  • Overall planning/project planning in the planning team
  • Specialist planning of pipe statics/pipeline construction
  • Thermohydraulic network calculation/network simulation
  • Overall management/specialist construction management HE/GA
  • Preparation of technical connection conditions for end users
  • Coordination of all parties involved and contact persons
Roger Pilloud

Roger Pilloud
Bereichsleiter Energieanlagen / Kältetechnik
A+W Bern

Marc Haeusermann

Marc Haeusermann
Departementsleiter HLKS
A+W Zürich