Enhanced energy efficiency performance

Increases in energy efficiency allow enterprises, real estate owners and tenants to profit now and in the future from clear economic and ecological advantages. We carry out energy-consumption analyses to identify possible ways of achieving greater efficiency. We then use our results to derive practical measures for increasing energy efficiency. We plan the successful implementation of the measures and monitor their effectiveness.

The aim of our approach is to quickly identify relevant users offering significant potential. The measures we then derive for immediate implementation can be expected to amortise in 1 to 2 years. Our range of services covers the entire process of operation optimisation, from initial systems evaluation to successful solution monitoring:

  • Initial evaluation for recording the most important data and systems
  • Measurements to assess the effective operation and user behaviour
  • Functional testing of important systems and equipment
  • Drafting of optimisation measures together with specific system changes
  • Implementation support and monitoring
  • Effectiveness monitoring
  • Introduction of energy-use monitoring for sustainable optimisation
Robert Uetz

Robert Uetz
A+W Zürich

Joke Verdegaal

Joke Verdegaal
Teamleiterin Energieconsulting
A+W Bern


A+W Lausanne


Directeur A+W France / Membre comité de Direction
A+W France

Daniel Imgrueth

Daniel Imgrueth
Vorsitzender der GF SIng
Schnyder Ingenieure ZG AG

On the path to CO2 reduction

On 6 October 2017, Switzerland ratified the Paris Climate Agreement, which aims to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The goal of the agreement is to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels. The total revision of the Swiss CO2 Act provides for a staged CO2 reduction in the building sector with limit values and increased CO2 taxes. For property owners and investors, the question of which is the optimal CO2 reduction strategy arises. Carbon due diligence supports asset and portfolio management in balancing CO2 emissions, setting realistic climate policy objectives and optimising property business plans that make sense both ecologically and economically.

CO2 balancing and target setting

  • Balancing of CO2 emissions according to Swiss standards (SIA) or international standards (GHGP)
  • CO2 benchmarking with comparable properties and portfolios
  • Definition of CO2 reduction targets taking into account cantonal, national and international requirements

Development of technical/energy principles 

  • Building condition analyses including technical maintenance and repair planning 
  • Building energy certificates including energy consumption and CO2 emissions 
  • Evaluation of heat generators including comparison of variants and recommendations 
  • CO2 controlling including CO2 monitoring, analysis and recommendations regarding energy-efficiency initiatives 
  • Drafting of a sustainability standard for development and acquisition 

CO2 modelling including costs, earnings and value 

  • Definition and modelling of different renewal scenarios and initiatives, taking into account existing maintenance planning 
  • Definition of model input variables such as energy renewal initiatives for heating, building envelope and technology and the timing of renewal 
  • Analysis and assessment of model output variables such as CO2 emissions, energy, maintenance and investment costs, as well as the earning power of individual properties and the entire portfolio 
  • Optimisation of the CO2 reduction strategy at portfolio level: reduction in the portfolio vs. compensation at home and abroad 
  • Optimisation of business plans at property level: renewal cycles and scope of renewal 

Thanks to our holistic approach to CO2 management and a wide range of instruments, we offer unique advice on carbon due diligence throughout Switzerland.
The integrated consideration of climate policy objectives, technical renewal requirements, CO2 reduction potential and economic potential, taking into account costs and earnings, enables the definition of CO2 reduction strategies that create value rather than destroying it.

Nathalie Benkert

Nathalie Benkert
Teamleiterin Consulting
A+W Zürich

Andreas Huterer

Andreas Huterer
icccon AG

Olivier EPELLY

Olivier EPELLY
Responsable du département Stratégie, énergie et durabilité / Membre du comité de Direction
A+W Geneve

Digital Test System DTS

The complexity of construction projects and the associated system infrastructure is continuously rising. Instability and system malfunctions are often not recognised during commissioning, which typically leads to significant additional costs, time delays and, last but not least, dissatisfaction. 

For quality assurance of building technology, we utilise our self-developed Digital Test System (DTS). DTS checks that the real data of building technology systems and spaces in combination with smart data analyses. This enables anomalies and malfunctions to be detected at an early stage and corrective measures to be implemented in a traceable manner during the realisation phase. The functionality of the building technology can be continuously improved and the planned values can be verified and fully documented.

The DTS Service can be used in a variety of ways and supports overall planning, the developer, the operation and also other companies involved in the construction. It can be employed from the construction phase through the operational and utilisation phases to conversion.

Added value through the use of DTS: 

  • Ecological and economic optimisation of building technology
  • Stable operation of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitary and room automation systems
  • Ensures the required room quality
Stefan Schneiter

Stefan Schneiter
Bereichsleiter Automation
A+W Bern

Energy efficiency

With the adoption of the Energy Act in 2017, which is supported by the Energy Strategy 2050, Switzerland is committed to greater energy efficiency. There is great potential to increase energy efficiency or minimise energy consumption in the areas of buildings, industry and appliances, among others. The building stock in Switzerland consumes around 45% of the country's final energy demand, with great potential in the household, industrial and service sectors. The Amstein + Walthert Group has many years of experience in the fields of energy and buildings. We are familiar with both the conceptual and technical tasks in the planning and during the operating phase.

Our services

  • Potential assessment and analysis of building services and process systems
  • Energy optimisation of the operation of technical building systems
  • Advising on energy efficiency improvement
  • Energy monitoring for the collection and management of energy data
  • Support in the creation or review of the measurement concept
  • Energy consumption analyses (electricity, heat, cooling, water)
  • Energy concepts with recommendations for needs-based renovation
  • Economic feasibility studies for plant replacement
  • Specific energy advice for large-scale consumers (target agreements, CO2 exemption)
  • Tailor-made energy advice for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Cantonal building energy certificate (GEAK) for renovation, conversion or new construction
  • Advising on the current state of the art technology in legal terms, with regard to regulations (SIA, Minergie, MuKEn) and for possible subsidies
  • Trouble shooting with complex, faulty and not user-optimised systems

We are happy to support our customers in their efforts to increase energy efficiency. In doing so, we not only contribute to the environment, but also reduce costs.

Joke Verdegaal

Joke Verdegaal
Teamleiterin Energieconsulting
A+W Bern

Robert Uetz

Robert Uetz
A+W Zürich

Daniel Imgrueth

Daniel Imgrueth
Vorsitzender der GF SIng
Schnyder Ingenieure ZG AG

Major energy consumers

According to the Swiss Energy Act and the various cantonal energy ordinances, major energy consumers in Switzerland are required to reduce their CO2 emissions and increase their energy efficiency by an annual rate of 2%. We have many years of experience when it comes to advising major energy consumers in matters of energy management. We analyse your energy consumption, identify optimisation potential, and assist you in drafting target achievement plans or carrying out an energy use analysis as well as in implementing the optimisation measures to increase energy efficiency performance. We make sure that you reach your efficiency goals.

We offer the following specific services in the framework of advising major energy consumers:

  • Analysis of current states, including an evaluation of buildings and technical facilities
  • Analysis of energy flow (energy flow diagram)
  • Identification of potential for increasing energy efficiency and lowering CO2 emissions
  • Drafting of near, medium and long-term measures and cost-benefit analyses
  • Provision of support for the implementation of optimisation measures
  • Efficiency increase Monitoring
  • Drafting of annual reports for submission to canton
  • Operational support, coaching and technician training
Robert Uetz

Robert Uetz
A+W Zürich

Joke Verdegaal

Joke Verdegaal
Teamleiterin Energieconsulting
A+W Bern


Responsable du département CVC et Energie
A+W Geneve


Directeur A+W France / Membre comité de Direction
A+W France

Daniel Imgrueth

Daniel Imgrueth
Vorsitzender der GF SIng
Schnyder Ingenieure ZG AG

Performance gap analysis

The demands placed on the planning of construction projects are constantly increasing. Flexible utilisation concepts, energy efficiency, sustainability, increased comfort requirements and, last but not least, time pressures often make it difficult to achieve the specified performance targets. A building's performance is influenced in all of its life cycle phases by decisions, actions and also failures of the different actors. 
Unwanted deviations from defined performance targets lead to a performance gap. Due to the multi-layered nature of the requirements and the complexity of the issues, a systematic approach is needed to assess the performance gap.

The performance gap describes the occurrence of undesired deviations from the defined performance targets. Depending on the focus, this requires different measures and services.

Technical performance gap

  • Checking the installations carried out against the concept ordered
  • Comparison of the planning values with the actual data set for the building technology
  • Installation of an automated test system for continuous control of the control loops
  • Differences between planning and execution are checked and documented on site (target/actual comparison)
  • Quality assurance of the construction documentation
  • Proposal of measures to close gaps

Energy performance gap

  • Checking the measurement concept
  • Comparison of the operating data with the planning values
  • Reporting and interpretation of the differences between forecast and real measured energy consumption/energy costs 
  • Proposal of measures to close gaps
  • Monitoring the measures to be implemented
  • Success control
  • Leading the quality management

Comfort performance gap

  • Metrological verification and documentation of planning requirements during operation
  • Identifying the influencing variables of user behaviour
  • Measuring and assessing the indoor climate 
  • (e.g. temperature, relative humidity, CO2)
  • Proposal of measures to close gaps
  • Monitoring the measures to be implemented
  • Success control
  • Leading the quality management

During the analysis, we evaluate the requirements and expectations of the stakeholders and jointly define the performance targets and success factors. 
Ideally, we monitor the projects in all its construction phases in order to identify the gaps between target and actual at an early stage or even prevent them. In this way, we protect the investments and create clear added value for all parties involved.

Robert Uetz

Robert Uetz
A+W Zürich


A+W Lausanne

Daniel Imgrueth

Daniel Imgrueth
Vorsitzender der GF SIng
Schnyder Ingenieure ZG AG