Information and data management

In these times of advancing digitalisation, we support you when it comes to the information and data management of your real estate. As the experienced consultant at your side, the manager of your real estate or your trustee, we make sure that your information and data are complete and consistent over the entire life cycle of your real estate. This allows you to concentrate on your core business.

Do you have any questions about information and data management, in particular with regard to novel technologies such as BIM? With our support, you draft product specification documents for the evaluation and implementation of ICT applications in the planning, construction and operation phases of your real estate. We enable you to define specifications for the necessary information and data, commission the drafting and updating processes, control the information and data and ensure their secure storage and distribution. If you wish, you can entrust your information and data to us.

Our competence is based on:

  • Our experience helping owners, planners and operators when it comes to the evaluation, acquisition and implementation of suitable ICT applications (e.g. project data rooms, CAFM systems, etc.)
  • Our experience in the implementation of BIM solutions

We make use of the following sources:

  • The latest technological standards and statutory provisions
  • Our involvement in professional associations through which our innovative ideas and extensive project experience flow into the latest industry standards

Our services:

  • Consulting in all matters of information and data management for real estate
  • Management and organisation of information and data processes in the planning, construction and operation of real estate
  • Management and organisation of BIM and CAFM projects
  • Information and data trust

When entrusted to play a role in your projects, we assume responsibility for the entire life cycle of your real-estate assets. Bringing our economic, ecological and social competence to bear, we work together with you to develop better solutions:

  • We ensure that your project, object, construction and operation information and data are available in the necessary quality and at the right time and place.
  • Acting in the capacity of an information and data trustee, we help you as the real-estate owner to secure compliance with ever expanding legal obligations relating to transparency and verification.
Thomas Kral

Thomas Kral
Deputy CEO
icccon AG

Data room

Offer your employees and business partners a virtual data room for efficient and professional cooperation. With a virtual data room as a consistent and secure data space, you effectively establish a basis for ensuring that the information of your employees and business partners is up to date and available when needed.

The storage and retrieval of information, data and documents of all kinds has come to represent a daily challenge as we witness the rapid advancement of digitisation and interconnectedness. You increasingly face the question as to the location and currency of the information you need. Whether in the context of specific projects or with respect to the entire life cycle of real-estate properties, we are convinced of the necessity of central platforms that remain available to all stakeholders at all times, platforms that are easy to use and that can be integrated into your existing work environment. This is an indispensable condition for effective cooperation.

Standard functions

  • Access to information and data independent of time and location
  • Online/offline processing, automatic versioning, encryption options, multi-factor authentication, etc.
  • Customised support via adaptable SLAs

Intelligent document storage

  • Structuring according to document properties
  • Quicker property-based document searches
  • Cross-project document comparability

Reproduction services

  • Printing and plotting services covering all common formats
  • Ordering status viewable at all times via print template
  • Swiss-wide delivery service

Cooperation and communication

  • Web tools for joint document processing
  • Chat applications for the efficient handling of queries and decision making
  • Joint logbooks for transparent project work

Project management

  • Organise your project from a single office
  • Visualise project status for all project participants
  • Promote project cohesion

Enhanced security

  • Enhanced data and access security
  • Dedicated environments
  • Customised identity, backup and incident management

Supplemental services

Thanks to our many years of experience, we offer you competent consulting services when it comes to implementing virtual data rooms and storage and structuring options for your project, object, construction and operation-related process data. We also support you when it comes to the management of your information and data.

Thomas Kral

Thomas Kral
Deputy CEO
icccon AG

Digital Test System DTS

The complexity of construction projects and the associated system infrastructure is continuously rising. Instability and system malfunctions are often not recognised during commissioning, which typically leads to significant additional costs, time delays and, last but not least, dissatisfaction. 

For quality assurance of building technology, we utilise our self-developed Digital Test System (DTS). DTS checks that the real data of building technology systems and spaces in combination with smart data analyses. This enables anomalies and malfunctions to be detected at an early stage and corrective measures to be implemented in a traceable manner during the realisation phase. The functionality of the building technology can be continuously improved and the planned values can be verified and fully documented.

The DTS Service can be used in a variety of ways and supports overall planning, the developer, the operation and also other companies involved in the construction. It can be employed from the construction phase through the operational and utilisation phases to conversion.

Added value through the use of DTS: 

  • Ecological and economic optimisation of building technology
  • Stable operation of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitary and room automation systems
  • Ensures the required room quality
Stefan Schneiter

Stefan Schneiter
Bereichsleiter Automation
A+W Bern

Internet of Everything

The Internet of Everything (IoE) connects people, things and processes and makes the associated data and information widely usable. Our physical world is being digitalised and artificial intelligence algorithms are being used to create improvements in terms of quality of life and the environment. The Internet of Everything offers the opportunity to automate and automise not only buildings and their technology, but also their use and management to an unprecedented scale: It is comparable to the development of self-driving cars! Future-proof building will be supplemented by IoE networks, partially replacing traditional building technology/automation. Like building automation networks, IoE networks are made up of sensors and actuators, but each sensor or actuator can be used in a variety of ways and serve a wide range of applications.

Thomas Kral

Thomas Kral
Deputy CEO
icccon AG

Trouble Shooting Kit

The Trouble Shooting Kit is a comprehensive and temporarily deployable Internet of Things in a network case. Property operators and technicians use this measuring kit on a daily basis to analyse the causes of indoor climate problems with the following benefits:

  • Facility services and operations managers have a modern, digital work tool at their disposal.
  • The causes of complaints and operational disruptions of a technical nature can be identified quickly and easily.
  • Complaints and malfunctions can be resolved sustainably based on efficient identification.
  • The elimination of causes can be conclusively documented (in a broader sense, this fulfils legal obligations).
  • Efficient handling of complaints and operational malfunctions ensures a high level of user satisfaction and fulfils the requirements for the building as defined in the service-level agreements.

The Kit

The Trouble Shooting Kit consists of a pre-configured and ready-to-use Internet of Things (IoT) components. Measurement data is collected using the international LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) protocol standard and transferred to a customised, pre-configured web platform. In addition to providing access to the data and information platform (WEFORM), the Trouble Shooting Kit includes the following hardware components:

  • Sensor (battery powered)
  • Gateway including power supply and SIM card
  • Sensor mounting materials (adhesive tape and thermal-conductive stickers)
  • User guide for quick and easy on-site installation

The IoT components of the Trouble Shooting Kit can be used independently of existing IT infrastructures, making them ideal for temporary measurement applications in and around buildings.
The Trouble Shooting Kit is available in standardised ‘Mini’ and ‘Maxi’ versions. This standardisation is based on our many years of experience in dealing with complaints and operational disruptions of a technical nature.
For other applications or more specific measurement requirements, the Trouble Shooting Kit can be customised in a ‘customised’ version.
The Trouble Shooting kit is configured and tested by our team before delivery and personal access to WEFORM is set up. Upon request, we will personally hand over the Trouble Shooting Kit and assist our customers with the first steps.

The Platform

The WEFORM data and information platform is used to visualise and store measurement data generated by the Trouble Shooting Kit.

WEFORM is a cloud based platform based on Microsoft Azure, on which the Trouble Shooting Kit user has a personal account. This account is used to manage the Trouble Shooting Kit as well as to visualise the measurement data. The layout (logo and colours) can be customised and thus used as a customer-specific service.

Thomas Kral

Thomas Kral
Deputy CEO
icccon AG